Good thing Paolo L and company was there so the conversation was good, we didn't realize the time. But my order, a taco, got to our table after 30 minutes. That's not yet the bad part. Given that that was Fete dela Musique and the resto was packed. I understand. What I don't understand is how boyf's order which came right after mine wasn't served immediately after. And then i saw how people that were in line after us all got theirs complete already. So, (this was after 45 minutes from the ordering), i go up to the counter to ask why our order wasn't there yet, and the cashier (in charge of the order slip line up), had the nerve pa to be angry. No apology. Nothing. They forgot it completely. It was the waiter pa, who wasn't involved in the whole thing that said sorry. Err, parang, he had more manners pa.
And then when it was already an hour and still no Taco in sight (how hard is it to make a Taco?) i asked to speak to the manager. And the manager comes, listens to me halfheartedly, says a half-ass sorry and leaves. And guess what, the Taco still doesn't come. It came after 20 minutes. Like. Seriously. Seriously?! ONE HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES? I could have baked a cake! That manager could have handled it better, we waited for an hour already when i talked to him, a gracious bowl of chips or something sent our way would have showed they care enough to think about the customer. But as it is. Nothing. NOTHING!! I just couldn't believe that we waited an hour and a half for Tacos. Sana steak nalang diba? or Lechon? Siguro luto na yun after and hour and a half? Gaaaah. Tear hair out moment.
Anyway, on the good side, that same week, we discovered Chihuahua! Unlike the other resto that remains unnamed, Chihuahua is fast service and SUUPPPEEER good too. As en. Its as simple as the 1-4 steps.
Step 1: pick your meat. (Get the Pork!)
Step 2: choose how you want it: Taco? Burrito? Burrito bowl? Salad?
Step 3: if you want some more add-ons, like nachos or a chili bowl.
Step 4: what do you want to drink?
And they have a wall of fiery sauces. I die.
I got the burrito bowl, so good even AC loved it. And he doesn't like a lot.
And the Nacho Grande, with the sauces on the side since i don't like onions.
Didnt get a photo but the Chili is the best I've ever tasted. Like how best? I was there three times last week. Hehehehe. Its thick, rich, beany and spicy on top of a bed of Mexican rice. And not only that, their Margaritas managed to smooth out my heartache (which i unbelievably had for the whole of last week). Not. Exaggerating. You need to try it to believe.
Makati Avenue,
Beside Time and right across A.venue
See you there!