Everyone wants to live in the Syquia Apartments. The waitlist for a unit is years. Hardwood floors, high ceilings and the best bohemian vibe ever. So whats the next best thing if you can't live in them? Crashing the units of course, every December Syquia holds the most fantastic open house party, with every unit open for guests and vying for the most recklesss debauchery with its own booze, food and entertainment. Halloween for the big kids. Mad Fun. Can't wait for next year.
DJ CALIPH8 at Carlos Celdran's
This Korean chick wanted a more elaborate headpiece but settled for this "safe" one
It's the gang! Kiki, Marits and Reann
More More More...
B, Steve-O and Quark
A baby grand in one of the units
Issy and Micheal
CZVS in Giordano Concepts jacket, American Apparel shirt, Initial dhotis, Greyhound shoes
Ferns and lights in another
CZ at work
The crowd
And more people
Cookie Chua
The best Cuban adobo at Dix's
Partying barefoot
And a riddle in the ceiling.