Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I haven't blogged for so long that when I typed in my URL, the history thingie can't even remember my address. Boo. Well, I have some photos taken by Mark Buenaobra in the recent Fashion Week that made me want to go online again. Sorry for suddenly vanishing from the face of the earth, (thats what happens when work takes over life) hopefully, fingers crossed, i get back on a consistent blogtrack again. With that I'll leave you with the first day of Fashion Week. So happy with this photo because we never really planned our outfits, but then together it looked like we came with a specific color palette in mind. As they say, great minds think leopard and earth hues. Haha.
Andre Chang,
Liz Uy,
Pauline Suaco-Juan,
Raymond Gutierrez,
Vince Uy