He's French. But I'm guessing very Japanese. Really, this Image encapsulates my blog name: stylesamurai. Maybe I should put it in my header? My schedule this week is one hectic continuity. Finishing my 4 page article in Supreme, finishing a Fashion News page for the Magazine, closing all the pages for the April Issue tom and doing preproduction for the next issue on Friday. *pant. pant* Never thought that I would find the time to blog this week, but when I stumbled upon this. I. Died. Can I just use descriptives?
7.7", I WANT!!!!
“Exotic Regrets is a dance of the female muscles, tensed up as an ultimate stake. In the enclosure of the secret, ritual bodies and codes split the instant. Parallel heels are instruments of nudity as a trap in tension. The rest remains to be done, other rituals in balance.” _Aoi Kotsuhiroi
Photos from here.