Liz in her birthday suit, a liquid shine spangle top by Noel Crisostomo. Definitely not the predictable party frock.

Isabelle Daza thought of having these balloons printed with Liz's signature quotes: "May booking!"


Overflowing Moet. As in literally copious amounts as I felt it poured down on me in the middle of all the debauchery.

Fashion on the style front: Bold shoulder for mens, Plaid Alexander McQueens.

And its contrast raglan at the back.

And speaking of backs, it was the focal point of sexiness that night. Lingerie thats meant to be seen with a see through Lace tank.

And display those toned back muscles with garterized cut outs. Im telling you, this outfit needs zero percent body fat as the elasticity on those bands are sure to produce muffin areas. As for Carla Humphries, cut out dress, achieved!

Bea Soriano looking ultraskinny in that olive jumpsuit.

The gorgeous women in Liz's life. If this was Romy and Michelle, they would be the A-group. Or if this was Clueless, they would be Cher's clique. Oh. You know what I mean. Girls-about-town: Cheska Garcia, Isabelle Daza, Bea Soriano, Georgina Wilson, Solenn Heussaff, Anne Curtis.

Erwan Heusaff has got to be one of the few stylish men in the Metro.

Preview Magazine's new young guns, Cit-Cit Sioson and Anna Canlas. Dustin Reyes, at the back. =)

Cutie Fashion Photographer Ronnie Salvacion.

Preview EIC Pauline Suaco-Juan with ubercool hubby Raffy Juan.

Laureen Uy of stylebreak.multiply.com in super chic street sense.

If I'm reading the hand signs correctly, that would mean on Jake: Hang Loose. On Tim: Okay. So that's Hang Loose, Okay? Okay.



If I'm not mistaken, the arrival of designer Patrick Galang signaled the start of the Glitter wars. Dustin Reyes thought of putting glitter as base with the table settings. And this turned out to be the wipe weapon of choice for everyone that night.

Vince was one of the first who started getting the shine on. But not till he was covered with it first.



Mond in full military combat. Aviators and Jerome Loricos.

There was a lot of love going around that night. =)

Casualties of war. Glitterized Laureen and Sean Co.


We are family. Laureen, Vince and Liz Uy.