Moving on. I was at the mall, (sourcing of course, hell, I practically live there), when this group of young uns' approached me, they were all toting cameras, so I knew even before they had the chance to explain that they were stylehunting. That was the easy part.
As I stood in my signature pose outside GB5, they all took positions 180 degrees around me. Paparazzi level! Like, whoa. Honestly? Na overwhelm ako. Haha. My camera never even stood a chance. Pretty cool actually. Check their website and just to stoke your egocentric fires, they post your photo with all the angles on the sidebar. (Duts a lotta work!) And not only that, they get your email address, and send all the files to you. Sweet. And! Last! Unlike photographing the scene (where people are dressed because there's an event), they capture people in life mode, like what you are in reality. Now why didn't I think of that? Check their site here:
Yah, duts me. On a not so normie day.

Hah. And here's me passing off a top for a dress and looking 5 pounds heavier. Ugh. Check out the other photos here: