I'm so used to everything fast. Everything in real time, that I've forgotten how to slow down and see the minute detail. Aren't all great concepts matured through extended periods? Like Amir Sali's embroidery samples. In his talk, swatches of his work went around for the audience to see. And the jaded in me could have just passed it off as, meh, I've seen that before. On closer inspection though, it was handcrafted effort with a capital E! No run-of-the-mill, mass produced creations here, all appliques were handstitched and the components applied by hand. What you think is a patched flower bought from your neighborhood trim shop is in fact, embroidered from scratch on a separate fabric, then sewn on to the final surface. Sequins layered to imitate scales done one by one, and flowers that seem to grow right out of the cloth with wormy little bulks threaded together by artisans. Amazing.