Heres the shot in close up, sorry about that light thingamajig, it was right on my face kse ech. This was taken at the Syquia Party last December 2009.

And here's AC's version. He actually had two images up, but I like this one better.

This was taken even before, summer of 2009? I'm thinking, I can't remember.

Cecile, Japanese aesthetic all the way through.

Jujiin and Pao, fierce fabulous.

Of course the consummate Japanese aficionados came in their layered best with the lobby of the Mall becoming an instant Shibuya district. Designer Ava Paguyo playing with textures.

Yup, the beads work.

Sock covered shoe or shoe covered sock?

And the contestants are.... Backstage at the street fashion competition, it was cosplay at its effortnest. Infurrnesst, looks like it was well though out, I mean diba? If your are to rock this right, you might as well rock it to the fullest? No half baked shiznit here.