My girlies and I, we were all single three years ago. We'd hit the clubs, NOT to meet boys but to drink and dance. We loved dancing to bits. And then Marits got with Kiko, Issy married Edvard and then I met the boyf. When Issy said she wanted a big night out without the partners, I said:hell yeah! I haven't gone clubbing in ages!! But then as with all plans, by the end of the day, we were all tired and instead of being in a smoky and crowded place with loud thumping music, we all voted to have a quiet dinner and a girly catch up instead. This was fun. But when schedule frees up, Issy, I still want to go clubbing. Haha.
Issy's new cavernous penthouse.

Marits (Marita Ganse, leather and fur designer now turned model) and Issy (Melissa Dizon of Eairth). They were drinking wine, I was drinking juice. Chakaroach.

Issy cooked us this huge Shepherds Pie. I always eat healthy when I'm at her place. I miss you already Iss. And baby Jupiter.