Is apparently 240,000 San Miguel beer cans. The Celestina and San Miguel installation was revealed (literally) a few days back.
But before everything else, remember that my sacrifice for lent is Alcohol and Chips? Well, of course, it can't be a San Miguel event without all of the brewery's products. Light, Dry, Strong Ice, Premium, even Pale Pilsen and the newer flavored ones. I have not seen all of my alco-friends served complete in any event. Ever. Arrrrrggggghhhh. Of all days! TEMP.TAY.SHYON!
And guess what were on the tables? Ano pa nga ba? Chips!!!
So to distract myself, I grabbed nalang a non-alcholic drink. Cali. CALI!!! The event had Cali! It's so hard to find this drink na kaya! Holy grail of faux-alcohol! When I was younger, I'd pretend that this was beer. Ah, to be young talaga. Now that I can drink beer without limitation, I wish I could pretend it was non-alcoholic. Heeh.
They even Beer-ded up the fountain. Lest you think this was just an exhibition of excess, San Miguel has pledged P500,000 for Habitat for Humanity and the exhibit: a platform to invite other generous souls as well. Although I didn't see it, there were empty beer cans in the installation (in the store) with coin slots for donations.
Still, the product mix was amazing.
Is this in memory of Paul the Octopus?
Origami Neoprene.
Reptile love.
Spotted: Celine.
I'm always ecstatic when I photograph new people. Although of course Josie Natori is an industry pillar, I've never had the chance to take her photo till now. *kilig*
And of course, the woman behind it all, Tina Maristela-Ocampo. The epitome of class and elegance. Her first photo in my blog too. *happy*