I super love my new camera. Bought it in Broadway in Harbor City. The Lumix GF2 comes with two lenses, although you can actually choose a kit with one lens (cheaper)--but buying the two lens is more bang for the buck. Here are some snaps that are all taken in natural light. Without any editing. Amazing. And heres another cool function, the GF2 is touch screen, so when I want to focus on a particular subject, it targets that and automatically blurs the background. Can somebody say: Sartorialist? heeeh. I wonder why i held off for so long. The only thing that I'm choosy about is the size and the heaviness, coming from my ixus, which nestles comfortably in my already calculated bag weight, the GF2 feels like a rock when stashed inside my tote that already contains an ipad, a workable makeup kit, my phone and a wallet thats forever getting fat with coins. And i complain about back pain at the end of the day. But. Suffer, because I soooooper love it! Originally wanted to get the red one because the earlier model GF1 didn't have it, but B dissuaded me and convinced me that the white was more me. And yes, it actually is.
Did a double take and thought Team Manila was selling in HK already. Eep. No pala.

Favorite things: Ramen and Curry-in-a-Hurry at the City Super food court.

Hokkaido green tea and cream. To. Die. For. Also in City Super. (Thanks Pen!)

Din Tai Fung in Silvercord.

With their melt in the mouth Xiao Long Baos.

And pork chop rice.

Busog and chubby cheeks. Heeeh.