Monday, June 27, 2011
Heehee. Okay, I have to giggle. This obviously wasn't in the plan. I was wearing a sweater and flat boots that day, not exactly perfect concert dressing when its at the humid MOA grounds. But what can I do? Epoy had free VIP tickets for me and AC so off we went with just a half day's notice to that nights tweens dream destination. It was fun, can't say I know a lot of her songs though but props to her singing prowess. Was pretty impressed. Loved that she sang covers of Guns & Roses and Smashing Pumpkins' Landslide (ultra favorite)--although I seriously think that the kids didn't get it. When she sang her original songs, all the kids were screaming and jumping and we were sitting down, but when she sang 90s rock, we were all screaming and jumping and THEY were sitting down. Haha. Generation gap right there. Least its an experiment again for the new camera. What do you think?

Miley Cyrus