Have to say though that Care Divas was amazing. Won't be writing about it if it didn't move me. I recommend it to anyone who wants a good dose of musical, comedy and drama, baklerz way. Haha. You know how some say I'm more bading than most, well I guess I am because I understood all the innuendos and hidden jokes, not even sure if most got it because it was heavy with gay lingo and humor, but I felt right at home. Heeeeh.
Heres the set, our seats were right smack in the center.
Watched it with AC and Epoy.
Nino and Vince.
AC super loved it that he wanted to have a photo with the cast.
Underneath all that maquillage is make-up artist Ricci Chan. I didn't even know that he did theater, but apparently he did Rent. I was blown away by his performance. If ever you are planning to watch, make sure that he is in the billing.
Photo op, wahehehehe. The guy beside me, Vincent De Jesus wrote the script and the songs of the whole play. He's soooo galing!
Lest you think that the night was over, nooooooooooo. It was Paolo's despedida. From QC to Makati all in one night.
Pao! Take New York by storm!
A bit of history, one of the major reasons why I'm writing for Star is because of Pao. I moved to Supreme only for him to leave for Young Star. Waah. Thanks ha.
It was suppose to be game night, but nobody wanted to play except Karen and I. The two most competitive girls that night. Haha, Hi Karen! We eventually wrangled a good team to pit against each other. First up: Cranium.
With Raymond Angas!
And dancing involved.
Second game of the night: Taboo. I swear this is a writers game. It was the Young Star staff versus us in Publication. Love! If you haven't played it, you have your team mates guess the word on the topmost part of the card without saying any of the 5 taboo words in the lower part. For someone who likes putting pen to paper, there are a dozen alternative ways of saying one word--and with everyone in the teams either in the broadsheet or the glossy, everyone was in their fight zone. Haha. We won though! Hahaha
And baket may sardinas? Going away present daw: caviar. Kalurks.
Good luck Pao! I'm sure you'll do great. Didn't I always say so?