Your wish is our command! For those who wanted an alternative face on the cover--besides favorite celebrities--we've placed a super on this month! Ford supermodel of the WORLD Danica Magpantay shows what it takes to break it in the modeling capital of New York. And it's not only one super showing of her powers, Chat Almarvez and Charo Ronquillo are also inside in our cover feature all wearing Jerome Salaya Ang. Plus we've segued that to the best collections from Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2011--reworked Preview style. Yep, its all about fashion this month baby! (like there ever was a time when it wasn't, ahehehe) Plus products, features and editorials that's worth all your glorious one hundred fifty bucks.
And not that I'm playing favorites, but then this cover is darker, edgier and fiercer than most. I <3/like/love. What do you guys think?