Anyhoo, speaking of birthdays, I know there are people who would kill me if i forgot theirs, but when it comes to mine--I really don't care. Wait--panggap? I don't really mean that, more off, it's not a very big deal. I mean, I downplay it a lot. And I don't hold grudges if people forget. Because anyway, the most important ones in my life actually don't. Which is how the inverse proportion of friends work in relativity to age. The younger you are, the more friends you have. But the older you get, some or a lot fall away and it becomes an edited group of closely knit, like-minded philosophers and etchoseras. And I'm happy with that.
But, of course, birthdays are always special because its almost always fun. How often do you get a day where all your friends give you a free pass? hahaha. And, any excuse to party right?
Happy 18th birthday Bincht! Candle blowing at our pre-production meeting.
Double celebration because our beauty editor Cindy celebrated hers on March.
Too cute! Love the color story in this photo!!
Childrens party complete with icing names and sugar flowers! What made it adult was that both cakes were from Costa Brave. Yuuuuuumburger!! Straight to the thighs!!
And PHAK! change outfit for the night! Well, it wasn't really the same night but two nights after--but you get what I mean.. heeh. =) Drinking party at Vince's place. Arrived just as Cindy was leaving. Really like Cindys style, Preview girls rock! They're so chica!
Mother P.
With mads. (Liz)
2 Concepcions and a Gutierrez.
Bincht + Nino
L-R: Nino, Vince, Eugene, AC, Epoy