Just got home from a two-hour Easter Vigil. Haven't attended one in a while. Thank goodness it was air-conditioned, and the lights were turned OFF for effect. Not that I was sleeping. Nooo. Heeh. It was better because it gave the mass a more solemn effect. (We had candles on) Halfway through it of course they turned it on to signify that Jesus has risen. Because I seldom get to go--having the chance to hear mass always makes me feel better. But since I got here on Thursday, I've been to 10 churches (for Bisita Iglesia) and a two hour mass. Check! Pogi points for my "good" book. I wanted to go to confession as well, but I think it was a majorest event for all the priests because there wasn't even one for anyone to confess to. Wow.
Anyway, sorry, I did say that I was going to update. But vacation mode took over and it was a marathon of movies and early nights in. In other words, *BLISSS* Siiiiigggh. =)
Anyway, heeeh. Back to fashion, this time, its Joel Escober for Fashion Watch.
Signature surface texture with tailored mens suiting in between.

This is my favorite piece.

The end.