Saturday, April 9, 2011


Yesterday, believe it or not was my only rare free day, and I spent it parked in my bed watching conspiracy theories and ancient alien assumptions. I'm a geek I know, but least i have my boyf and AC as conspirators since were all into the same stuff. Well, i did get to update ze blog which made me happy. I know, every day would be more preferrable but it's sometimes impossible. Anyway, I've been playing around with this thing in my head for a couple of weeks now but never really got to post it till now.

I wanted more interaction from you guys, and I would believe that not only are you fashion savvy, you'd have the smarts to match. And thinking of how much we love all those slum book moments, answering every question with deep thought, hah, i figured i could post one question a week. And for the person who has the best answer, i will go through your blog (it's linked in the I.D. that you comment with) and grab a photo of you and post it here with your answer. Although in hindsight, i think i will also post a style challenge. Hirap ba? Anyway, for those who sign in under "anonymous", you can still join if you put in the link of your blog or your facebook page in the comment box.

Well, this is still in infancy, not really sure if it will work. but I hope it does, will iron the kinks out along the way. Are you guys interested?

My first question of the week is:

My answer:
I would never buy fake designer/luxury goods. If i cant afford it, then I wouldn't even pretend that i could. My parents always taught me that i should live beneath my means. Hard. But so much wisdom there.

Go!! I'm so excited to hear what you guys have to say.

Off to work now, believe it or not, were doing our cover shoot today. Enjoy your weekend!