There were 7 clothing and 4 accessory designers. We had pre-judging so i was able to scrutinize and touch almost all of the pieces. Its a known fact that Cebu churns out the best accessory designs because its an export hub, but sadly, only 4 were competing.
Meme Dakay came up with a sea theme. With fiery orange corals as inspiration.
And exotic sea urchins. This one I bought and will give as a gift to AC. Happy Birthday Doitch!!!
She also came up with winking crystalline blue armbands that resemble swaying sea plants. She calls it the Pacific.
The winner though was Julius Louie de la Cruz. Okay, my camera's crap and doesn't really do justice to the pieces...but up-close, the different elements are made up of varying finishes: reptile skin, feathers, leather.. and the flower petals are made out of translucent Carabao nails. Yup, you read that right, nails and not horns.
As for the clothes, i was fascinated by the textures.
Fabric topography.
Wood bark inspirations by Van Dale dela Bajan. Potential!
Pinky Magalona was brilliant enough to make her own fabrication. Nope, thats not fur but shredded chiffon--light enough to wear for day. Although she might just have to think of a different shape and finish because it looks mighty hot and itchy to me.
Her tailored pieces were fanatastic though. Clean and well proportioned. I think it was also because of this that she won. =)
My other bet was Mikey Yapching. Layers of flimsy. sheer and opaque. Interesting shape too.
Back view. Intricate.
And bespoke shoes to tie everything in.
And a farewell walk (parang Miss Universe?) by previous CYDC winner: Lourd Maturan
Congratulations kids, my trip to Cebu was well worth it.