I'm panicking. Because today was the first day of Fashion Week. And that means I have more photos in my memory card. And because I've missed blogging for the past 6 days, I have a massive backlog of stories to tell. Hopefully my five new posts lessens the catch up. Sorry about that, this week has been insane! But in an ultra good way. =) I bought a shark ring which I'll share with you guys in the succeeding uploads, and it has turned out to be one damn lucky ring... smooch on the head of the Reef Shark wrapped on my finger. Heeeh.
Well, Human/Kashieca/Bench show earlier at SMX, photos of that tomorrow yes? For tonight I'll leave you with the next generation of style savants. Not only are they bloggers, they're also well slashed. Not in a bloodied way silly, but like deeesss: blogger-slash-designer-slash-model-slash-endorser-slash-photographer. You get what I mean.
Two-tone nails on Laureen.

Vintage Chanel.

Lissa, Camille, Laureen

So coot.
